RGB vs. CMYK: The Right Color for the Job!
Print Design Darron Jones II Print Design Darron Jones II

RGB vs. CMYK: The Right Color for the Job!

Designers must use the correct color code to achieve the desired colors in a project. It can be disappointing when the final print doesn't match the planned mockup due to color discrepancies. One typical mistake designers make is not checking which color code has been used before exporting or not knowing the difference between the two color codes.

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Packaging: The 5th “P” in Marketing
Marketing Darron Jones II Marketing Darron Jones II

Packaging: The 5th “P” in Marketing

Packaging is crucial in marketing. It's often overlooked but can make or break a sale. Your packaging is the first impression for customers and can communicate professionalism, build trust, and leave a lasting impression. Let's explore the importance of packaging in business and how to create excellent packaging

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